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Nourishing the soul

Awaken your senses 

The heart of the Totonac culture in in our house. You are welcome! The magic of our kitchen has been transmitted for hundreds of years by the fogon and the metate. The earth, air, water and fire have taught us for generations to respect and live with everything around us, to feed on nature but also to be deeply grateful to it, which is why our food is a ritual.

About us

We are a Restaurant whose mission is to preserve and promote Totonac culture through gastronomy and some other elements, offering a thematic experience in a cultural and natural environment.

Within the experience of Nakú you will be able to know the uses and customs of the Totonaca Culture, our environment in the middle of tropical mountains teaches us to venerate and respect Mother Earth, and everything that entails; interpreting medicinal plants, flora and fauna through our path, together with the wisdom of our grandparents, we disseminate traditional medicine through the Xakga (sweat lodge) and a healing center where we provide tinctures, ointments and syrups made in a natural way.

Likewise, the maize field (milpa) show us our origins, so we have a great commitment to our community, community, we try to consume product from local farmers and hire collaborators from our culture.

In Nakú, we also have a vanilla field, we show vanilla in its natural habitat, in acahuales, and we teach how to fertilize, harvest, benefit, and produce products   derived from this orchid in group workshops and with a great sensory experience!
The importance of our culture has made us delve into the products made by local artisans, pre Columbian dances such as Guaguas and Voladores, as well as traditional food, activities that we proudly display in our place and also through workshops that are imparted here.

For Nakú Papanteco Restaurant, showing a little of the Tangible and Intangible heritage of our history is truly our reason for being Nourishing the soul

Tachula xa talhtsi

Espolvoreadas de pipian con frijoles mantecados

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Tamales made with beans, squash, pipian, sesame, chili and acoyo.

Akgchuchut xa maklhtukun chu nipxi xtalhtsi nipxi 


Chayote squash soup or zucchini with squash´s seed sauce


Mantikajchaw chu akgchuchut stapu


Bocoles served with Totonac style pot beans.

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Monday - Sunday: 8:00 a. m. - 8:00 p. m.

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